
Κ2 Security
K2Security was founded in 2009 by executives with significant experience in the field of services and security systems.
Based in Thessaloniki, with a branch in Kilkis, the company has starred in the market of Northern Greece from the first operation years, gaining the trust of important companies.
The quality of our services and the cutting-edge know-how, is confirmed by the maintenance of long-term cooperation relations with our customers. Using the latest technology, we design and introduce innovative practices in order to continuously facilitate our everyday life. At the same time, we always have the tense to improve our level of services.

Philosophy & Values
For us here at K2 Security, education, modern technology, quality and absolute specialization are a priority. We are committed to continuously be improving the level of our services and we can assure our customers that we constantly affirm our lofty goals. We absolutely believe in the impeccable service of all our customers indiscriminately and we stay close to them as consultants and partners. The relationships we develop with them are governed by trust, respect and honesty. We choose to have “partners” and not “customers”.
We are able to offer you complete security solutions at highly competitive prices and we always operate based on your needs and interests.
Human resources

In K2 Security, setting strict criteria for the selection of our staff, we managed to create a team of capable and remarkable associates, well trained combined with a long presence in the field of private security companies.
The security staff consists of specialized people and their selection is made according to strict criteria:
- Law (2518/97) requires a category A and B personal work permit ,depending on the activities, which is issued by the Police Department of the prefecture or residence of the interested party.
- Appropriate vocational training.
- Well-presented, polite, consistent and cooperative with customers and staff.